Welcome to the PhotonicsAI Lab at the Institute of Physics of Yerevan State University
Our group develops both theoretical, experimental approaches as well as state-of-the-art computing algorithms to address basic and applied research problems. Our fundamental research interests focus on the light-matter interaction in complex photonic systems. In particular, our prime interest is to reveal the full spatiotemporal interaction potential of structured light field and liquid crystal. The latter can find its direct implementation towards the realization of scalable and power efficient optical computing architectures that are capable of tackling many large-scale complex problems. Namely, one of the applied research directions in our lab is combining such state-of-the-art optical computing technologies with optical imaging systems to achieve unprecedented imaging performance through complex turbid media. Please check our Research section for more details. Our primary goal is to achieve and maintain excellence in fundamental and applied science, establish strong international collaborations, and involve a large number of students in our research projects.