OPTICA and SPIE joint student chapter of Yerevan State University (YSO) with the support of the Institute of Physics and the Institute for Physical Research of NAS RA, from August 12th to 23rd, 2024 at Yerevan State University, Armenia will host the 1st International College on Modern Applications of Optics and Photonics (MAOP2024).
MAOP2024 combines a week-long hands-on training and lectures in the optics laboratories of the Yerevan State University, followed by the second week of presentations, and panel discussions. Invited speakers from more than 12 research institutions worldwide will present their talks on different research topics. During college, a special section will be dedicated to professional development lectures from the academy’s and industry’s points of view. Students will have a chance to present their research with oral presentations as well as posters.
The goal of the first week of the college is to give background knowledge to PhD and master’s students, as well as young researchers in the modern application of optics and photonics throughout the following three distinct sessions:
- Optical computing & imaging: The optical computing and imaging session is dedicated to state-of-the-art approaches and current challenges in both integrated and free-space platforms. Special focus will be given to liquid crystals for beam shaping and imaging, followed by optical design for imaging systems. The theoretical course will be complemented by experimental demonstrations.
- Quantum optics & nanophotonics: Fundamentals of quantum optics will be discussed to pave the way for understanding quantum sensing and quantum cryptography, followed by the experimental demonstration of quantum cryptography. Finally, light behavior and applications on the nano-scale will be discussed including metasurfaces and SERS substrates.
- Optical materials & nonlinear spectroscopy: Simulations and characterization of optical materials will be discussed aiming to explore applications in nonlinear spectroscopy. The session concludes with lectures on the fundamentals of ultrafast lasers and a comprehensive introduction to passive modelocking.
The second week of the college will cover talks on various topics of optics and photonics, such as:
- Biophotonics
- Fiber optics
- Integrated photonics
- Laser dynamics
- Mathematical methods in optics
- Nanophotonics
- Nonlinear & ultrafast optics
- Optical design
- Optical materials
- Optical sensing
- Singular optics
- Spectroscopy
- Strong field optics
- Quantum Information
- Quantum optics
MAOP2024 is recognized as the YSO Student Chapter‘s 2024 Optica Special Program.
MAOP2024 is committed to providing an environment where all participants are treated with equal consideration and respect. We unite a diverse, worldwide population of students, scientists, engineers, and professionals to share the latest results of optics and photonics. We strive to create an inclusive atmosphere in which all people feel valued and listened to and have access to the same opportunities.
Contacts: maop@photonicsai.com
“Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.”
-Louis Pasteur